
About Us

We provide cutting edge technology solutions for Banks and Asset Managers that digitilise the whole process.
Our systems are equipped with a sophisticated Enterprise data warehouse with Data Mining and Machine Learning, core components being:

Artificial Intelligence

Data Analytics

Data Statistics

Over 100 successful solutions implemented internationally since january 2003 due to:

  • A highly qualified team
  • Scalability of our systems
  • Experience in transforming semi manual environments into seamlessand efficient processes.

we provide the complete solutions to bringing successful automation to our clients.

  • This helps us to deliver targeted solutions effeciently.
  • Our comprehensive goal oriented model helps our clients achieve maximum gains through automation in the shortest possible time.


All our products are cloud based and developed in ASP and .NET Server end technology using SQL Server.

We are committed to design and develop cutting edge products which not only offer fast responses over the cloud, but are designed to be user friendly and scalable.


Providing the Best Customer Experience

Our Products
Sitpros delivers value-added business solutions that help our clients achieve automated workflows which ultimately lead to enhanced productivity and growth.


Regulatory reporting is becoming more challenging as more granular data is required to report. Our system is not only robust but also scalable for adding any future requirements.


Asset Mail is a server based system with an independent data ware-house seamlessly integrated with MS Exchange or any other email server which supports POP3 or MAPI to download messages.


The system contains a preapproved and user managed risk assessment criterion where risk scores are applied to each customer account and overall rating is determined.


Bank+ is a comprehensive solution with an independent data warehouse, which seamlessly integrates with Temenos T24, Misys Equation, and other core banking systems offering a wide ranging suite of risk and compliance solutions including FCA Reporting


Asset+ Integrates hedge funds, wealth management, fund of funds, and asset management into a single platform. A multi-fund structure supports clients, classes, series, required instruments and transaction types.


Liquidity Pro monitors and manages the liquidity risks of financial institutions as required by the FCA under the “Strengthening Liquidity Standards”.he system generates the ILR and submits to FCA automatically.


Automation has become a critical prerequisite for growth, especially in a dynamic and callenging market. Our core consutling strategy is the toward achieving this success.
consulting image

Over 100 successful solutions implemented internationally since january 2003 due to:

  • A highly qualified team
  • Scalability of our systems
  • Experience in transforming semi manual environments into seamlessand efficient processes.

To successfully achieve the desired automation, and avoid data inconsistencies, we aggregate data from all client systems into one data warehouse.

We then compile position reports that:

  • Reconcile historical and current data
  • Remove inconsistencies
  • Add missing data

Our focused user-driven approach, and proven methodology is paramount in making the implementation successful.

Our highly qualified team has proven track record and expertise in the financial services industry. They are proficient in implementing strategic initiatives more effectively in less time, and can work with you anywhere you do business.

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Sitpros & Technologies